2026 Why is it important

In 2000 the countryside and Rights of Way Act was introduced. Section 53 of the Act provides for a ‘cut-off date’ in 2026, which means that many historic routes of use to horse riders and cyclists will be extinguished if they are not formally recorded as a bridleway or byway.

These unrecorded routes actually exist in law but are not on the modern legal register. They may have been temporarily lost to the public or they could be in everyday use, but if they are unregistered they are in danger of having their rights extinguished. Our aim is to safeguard them for public use so that equestrians today and in the future have safe off-road routes on which to ride and carriage drive.

Just because you currently ride on a route doesn’t mean its recorded and protected from extinguishment. That’s a frightening thought as there are some areas with very few recorded routes and 2026 is closer than you think – were already more than half way there.